TorTek is an IT Consultancy with a focus on Web Design and Databases.
Web Design

TorTek have helped many clients with the design of their websites. This includes hosting the websites and teaching the users how to maintain and run them properly.
These websites range from Dutch pension fund websites like http://www.pensioenbestuurders.nl to more complex media rich Production company websites like www.alodia.co.uk to bespoke multi language cms websites like http://www.high-rollercasinos.com.
The specialisation is in Database Design, Health Checking and Performance Tuning. This knowledge and skillset has been built up over many years in the IT industry and relates to SQL Server (including SSIS, SSRS and SSAS) and also to SAP Sybase databases.

Good Database Design is a crucial element in optimising any Database application and TorTek have the necessary expertise to look beyond standard query optimisation to also look at the underlying hardware and system configuration including servers, clustering, network configurations and all other elements which comprise the entire system.

Every Database should have regular Health Checks but its sometimes hard for a companies permanent staff to do this as they tend to be busy dealing with issues or working on projects. In addition it is almost always a good idea to have a fresh set of eyes when doing a health check, to perhaps spot an incorrect assumption or bad practice. The health check performed by TorTek focusses on Security and Database/DataServer configuration to achieve maximum efficiency and Data Security.

Performance Tuning is quite often seen as a nice extra rather than a crucial part in maintaining any database, this is especially true for SQL Server, where a lot of databases are directly linked to off the shelf applications “Black box” and no consideration is given to tuning. When TorTek carries out Performance Tuning on a database all aspects of that database are examined in collaboration with the in house DBA’s and Developers to look at ways of improving the efficiency and stability of the database. In the past we have achieved some quite remarkable improvements in speed and throughput for a Database application any where up to improving throughput by factors up to 10 but one thing is certain, there is always room for improvement in any database.